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For most people, Wappu is a rather short period within a year. For them, the first signs of the upcoming first of May are mead and doughnuts, which start to fill up grocery store shelves approximately one month in advance.  A typical Finnish wappu celebration can be described like this: Wappu eve’s night with old friends and a brunch followed by a stroll in the sunny but still chilly weather on Wappu day. I don’t know how big of a wappu person you are, but myself, I started to prepare for this spring’s main event a long time ago.

For the last 15 months, I have been focused on creating the best humor experience of this Wappu, Julkku. This year, Julkku is a 60-page explosion of laughter that aims to spread a good-natured student spirit to its readers. For students, Julkku is a captivating phenomenon that has organized fun activities and events since autumn. Julkku year is now – as you and I are having this dialogue – culminating in the selling of the magazine.

Best ideas come from the sidestream of the main conversation.

In theory, anyone can be a Julkku seller but in practice, almost all of them are Aalto university students. Every Julkku year means that around 400 students get a crash course in face-to-face sales. For many, it is the first touch to attracting potential customers, making a sharp sales pitch, and closing deals. In addition to magazines, sellers receive sales benefits from Julkku’s editorial staff to keep the sales spirit high, not to mention commission for wappu procurements. This year, I have been particularly pleased that international students have also joined in the smashing sales effort.

This project has been the best time of my life. One thing that I have learned from this is that although planning is crucial for the execution of everything, the creative process can only be planned partially. Best ideas come from the sidestream of the main conversation. You know, the coffee chats between meetings, the thoughtless slips like trying to buy something cheap but end up buying a peach (get it?), or the unexpected pandemic that forces you to lie on your couch with nothing else than your imagination. You have to stay relaxed and enjoy the ride.

I’m starting to have a hurry. I still have many people to meet and greet this Wappu. Really enjoyed your company. If there was one thing here in this blog that I would like you to remember it is this;

Smile, laugh – and remember to join the wappu spirit! Please apply this now or immediately.

Jubileum Julkku,

Editor in chief
Wappu magazine Julkku