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Art, Life and Entrepreneurship

Event info

Art is your craft — come and learn tools for making it a living.

Art, Life and Entrepreneurship, also known as ALE, is a holistic, non-linear approach to making a living out of what you love. It consists of two separate courses, ALE 1 and ALE 2, which you can take separately when convenient.

In ALE 1, you’ll look into the phenomenon known as entrepreneurship — or sole proprietorship — and the opportunities it could present in your field. Perhaps you’ll find your own niche. You don’t need an idea yet; you just need to be curious. The core idea at AVP is to take concrete steps toward a goal — in ALE 1, those steps lead you into the creative and entrepreneurial ecosystems and the possibilities at their junction.

The final submission of the course will be a presentation of the entrepreneurial landscape of a specific creative field.

ALE 1 runs in period II with the code ARTS-A0631.


In ALE 2, we dive a bit deeper into entrepreneurship. It’s for everyone who already has an idea or a running business they’d like to boost. The goal of the course is simple: find your first early adopter. That’s it, no more, no less.

Of course, you don’t need to do it by yourself. Our teachers will be there for you the whole way, backed up by visiting experts and experienced entrepreneurs. Your biggest support on the journey, however, will be each other. Weekly, you’ll have peer discussions with other students to discuss the breakthroughs and failures, compare notes, and plan the next steps.

ALE 2 runs in period V with the code ARTS-A0632.


Meet the teachers

Johannes Kaira



Håkan Mitts

