Simo Lahdenne is working at Aalto Ventures Program as a part-time teacher. He is most passionate about ideation and the divergent part of the product development, which he sees as the most fun part of a project to both teach and experience.
This is also at the core of his workdays: Simo keeps busy with the “Käyttäjälähtöinen tuotekehitysprojekti” course that focuses on user-centric product design. On the side, he helps with other AVP projects like developing our summer courses and doubling as a visiting lecturer at the Startup Experience course.
Simo graduated from Aalto’s School of Engineering in the past December and in his master’s thesis he studied customer involvement in idea development. Prior to AVP, Simo has worked at Aalto Design Factory with the Aaltonaut minor program, and as a research assistant.
During his free time, Simo likes to play various instruments like the ukulele, accordion, keyboard, guitar and bass – an impressive list! In addition, he has longboarded for 12 years already, does various sports throughout the year and enjoys playing computer games.
Everyone can learn creativity, however, to make it radical it requires action. AVP nurtures such environment and that has drawn me into this group of great people.
We are happy to have you, Simo! For more information about Simo, check out his LinkedIn. Feel free to get in touch with him!