Unfolding Tomorrow is an event series that brings the brightest minds in business, academia, and government together to talk about what we can do today to make tomorrow better.
In a world that’s changing faster than ever, no one can predict what happens tomorrow — but we can affect it.
The big problems facing our planet today — such as climate change, poverty, and inequality — are complex and severe, but they’re not unsolvable. To fight them, we need to work together. Business and government, design and research, creativity and common sense; we need it all. Together, we can build a sustainable future.
At AVP, we believe in solving problems related to sustainability through entrepreneurship, in facing problems rather than pretending they don’t exist, and in educating ourselves rather than using the lack of knowledge as an excuse. And we believe in you.
The event topics come from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and their targets and indicators.
Unfolding Tomorrow is organized together with the UN Association of Finland and the City of Espoo.