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From us to you

A collection of thoughts, stories, and findings on all things entrepreneurial, from the minds of the AVP team.

Sit less, live more

We sit too much. It is a cliché, but that doesn’t make it less accurate — or any easier to change. Exercise is often considered something to do in our already sparse free time. AVP teachers Lidia and Anna learned about energy training at Studio Tirelli in Milan and now share some tips to incorporate more exercise in your daily life.

New Year’s resolutions

We just celebrated a transition into the new year. After a critical assessment of our lives in 2022, we — most likely — concluded that we didn’t do enough. In this post, Good Life Engine teacher Lidia shares a few tips on how to make better New Year's resolutions and break the loop of broken promises.

The wanna-be efficient brain

Throughout the years Lidia has taught Good Life Engine, the main challenge has always been the “wanna-be-efficient brain” that doesn’t leave the students at peace with how they spend their time. Many of us feel time pressure from squeezing too many things into our life. At Good Life Engine, we hope you will learn how to enjoy life rather than execute it.

It’s Zambian time

Four Aalto University students visited Zambia to work on a case for a local startup, together with students from Zambia, Kenya, and Uganda. They started their voyage with high expectations, but none of them could anticipate the most important lessons they'd learn.

Good routines, better life

At the core of the Good Life Engine course is the execution of well-being or self-development routines that students choose for themselves. We define routine as a sequence of actions regularly followed. Although our students decide upon their routines based on their individual goals, there are some common starting points in the process of choosing a good routine.

26 Oct 2022

One year of learning at Impact Studio

A year ago, Aalto Ventures Program was contemplating how to help students who want to develop their idea further and make an impact even after finishing their courses. They decided to hire a dedicated person — yours truly — to create an incubation program, and that was the start of Impact Studio. It's time to look back and reflect on what we've learned over the past year.