Volunteering is a great way to learn skills useful in entrepreneurship, working life, and, well, life in general. But perhaps the real treasure is the friends you make along the way. Elettra, AVP's marketing magician and recent Aalto graduate, shares her experiences in how volunteering at Aalto University is similar to entrepreneurship.
For most people, Wappu is a rather short period within a year. For them, the first signs of the upcoming first of May are mead and doughnuts, which start to fill up grocery store shelves approximately one month in advance. A typical Finnish wappu celebration can be described like this: Wappu eve’s night with old […]
We should never forget to take care of ourselves and our well-being, but it’s essential during crises and stress. In this post, AVP teacher Lidia Borisova shares four concrete tips for better mental health based on the Good Life Engine mindset.
Everyone benefits from entrepreneurial skills, is what we always say. But what exactly are they? And more importantly, where can you learn them? This guide will introduce some of the most important entrepreneurial skills and share tips on where to look for them.
We are once again living those stressful times when many try to combine studying and working as the last courses of the academic year have to be wrapped up while summer jobs are already beginning. At AVP we have four student employees who work part-time throughout the year while studying. For this blog, we gathered […]