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Ginkgo — Materials matter

Event info

A Ginkgo tree needs trees of both genders to produce fruit, much like our society needs both science and entrepreneurship to prosper. It is the symbol of the Urasenke school of Japanese tea ceremony, precise and calculated like science. But it’s also a popular bonsai tree, moldable into different shapes and sizes like entrepreneurship.

At Ginkgo, scientists and entrepreneurs work together to lay down roots for a collaboration that could grow into something magnificent. As a scientist, you’ll understand users better and start to think of your research as a product. As an entrepreneur, you’ll realize the full potential in science and discover groundbreaking research. As a human being, you’ll make connections outside your own bubble and see the world from a slightly wider perspective.

This time, our focus will be on new materials. To build a sustainable future, we need new kinds of building materials, and we need them fast. Replacing rare earth elements or creating even better materials is not easy, but science can help us take big leaps by utilizing techniques such as simulation and machine learning. Join the discussion and see the future unfold!

Come to Ginkgo and reach new heights.

The event is free to attend, but seats are limited and available by application only. If you’d like to join or have any questions, please get in touch with AVP event coordinator Aaro at aaro.angerpuro@aalto.fi.