Aaro Angerpuro joins AVP’s ranks as an Event Coordinator, taking ownership of our large portfolio of events. His main responsibilities will be organizing and growing our current events, such as Unfolding Tomorrow and From Lab to Market, but he doesn’t want to settle for just doing the same old a bit better.
His goal is to reach a wider audience in our current target groups and even outside them, and to grow the number of people who attend our events regularly by providing each guest with as much value as possible. However, aiming to retain current audiences doesn’t mean Aaro would shy away from introducing new topics — on the contrary, he wants to bring in different points of view and raise discussion.
Aaro studies accounting at the School of Business, and he’s especially interested in how making an environmental or social impact can be a measure of success just as much as making a profit. He’s already put his studies to good use by acting as the treasurer and VP of Aaltoes last year, taking care of their financials, and also developing many of their events and projects.
During his free time, Aaro enjoys spending time with friends and reading, although he wishes he’d have more time to read other than course books. To really take his mind off things, he likes to go running, or better yet, hiking — when there’s no network and the only goal of the day is to walk a certain distance is when he recovers the best. Even if he enjoys the quiet, you can still spot him dancing at the occasional rave party too.
I’m excited to create and develop events for a more sustainable future with the means of entrepreneurship.
We are happy to have you, Aaro! For more information about Aaro, check out his LinkedIn. Feel free to get in touch with him!