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From us to you

A collection of thoughts, stories, and findings on all things entrepreneurial, from the minds of the AVP team.

How do we perceive time?

Time management is an integral part of the Good Life Engine course. The topic is so important that sometimes it feels like it should be a whole course on its own. It probably wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that most people working or studying (or both) live in a constant feeling of time famine. But where is it coming from?

18 Apr 2024

Ready, Set, Seoul — Lessons from Our 2-Week Study Trip to Korea

Embarking on a two-week study trip to Korea, our Aurora students anticipated a deep dive into the entrepreneurial landscape of a vibrant and dynamic country. What they encountered was not only a stark contrast to the Nordics but also a profound revelation: the entrepreneurial mindset is not a fixed trait one is born with but rather a skill that can be cultivated and honed over time.

12 Apr 2024

Unfiltered genius — A Junction team brings recycling to Instagram

Instagram isn’t the first app that comes to mind when you think about sustainability, but you can’t deny its popularity. That’s why it became team ReMaskit’s platform of choice at Junction 2023 when they set out to tackle — and win — the challenge Resource Revolution, Now by Aalto University. Read on to learn more about their solution, Junction experience and thoughts on entrepreneurship and sustainability.