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From us to you

A collection of thoughts, stories, and findings on all things entrepreneurial, from the minds of the AVP team.

Let it be

You have the right to experience a full range of emotions. What you then do with these emotions is your choice. No one has the right to forbid you to be happy or sad. By differentiating yourself from your emotions and letting them go, you can function better without letting them pile up inside.

Alumni Story: Mona Taponen Balzarini — Born to be an entrepreneur

Plastic has a bad reputation that it doesn’t entirely deserve. It’s a durable, lightweight material that — when recycled correctly — can be used repeatedly with low costs and very little material loss. AVP alumni and serial entrepreneur Mona Taponen Balzarini wants to demonstrate this with her Muoviamo project by showcasing and letting people try how plastic waste turns into new objects.

Four reasons Africa isn’t as sustainable as its youth

We recently visited Uganda and Tanzania, where we had a chance to talk with local students and young professionals about their countries' sustainability issues. The people we spoke with highly regarded sustainability and wished their governments would do better. We found four reasons why they are not. However, it seems their countries are in good hands.

13 Apr 2023