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From us to you

A collection of thoughts, stories, and findings on all things entrepreneurial, from the minds of the AVP team.

Student holding a Julkku magazine

Chat with Jubileum Julkku

For most people, Wappu is a rather short period within a year. For them, the first signs of the upcoming first of May are mead and doughnuts, which start to fill up grocery store shelves approximately one month in advance.  A typical Finnish wappu celebration can be described like this: Wappu eve’s night with old […]

29 Apr 2022

5 + 1 tips for studying and working

We are once again living those stressful times when many try to combine studying and working as the last courses of the academic year have to be wrapped up while summer jobs are already beginning. At AVP we have four student employees who work part-time throughout the year while studying. For this blog, we gathered […]

21 May 2021