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From us to you

A collection of thoughts, stories, and findings on all things entrepreneurial, from the minds of the AVP team.

Don’t hate the game, fix the player

OurDebate won AVP’s challenge titled Sustain Your Mind in the Junction 2020 Connected hackathon with their app that helps people develop their discussion skills. Now, they’re planning on publishing it to a wider audience. While the final name of their app is still up for debate, their team spirit is unfaltering. If you’ve used social […]

01 Dec 2020

Make teamwork great again: Forming teams

Teamwork. Some students love it, others hate it. At its best, teamwork courses can be great: students will learn not only about the topic of the course — and often more deeply than by doing an exam — but also about each other and themselves, making them much more prepared for working life. At its worst, […]

18 Jun 2020

Why to-do lists suck and how to fix them

Don’t think about a pink elephant! Most people, when told this, think about a pink elephant. In psychology, this is known as the “Ironic process theory”, which means that when you try to avoid thinking about something, you’re actually more likely to think about it. This sort of process also works for more concrete things, such as trying to break habits — […]

13 May 2020

Avoid the cabin fever — 5 tips on how to socialize remotely

There’s a supposed old Chinese curse that says: “May you live in interesting times.” The times are indeed interesting, as many have had to thoroughly change their daily routines and accustom to spending a lot more time at home. At AVP, we’ve all worked remotely since Friday the 13th (coincidence? I think yes) and all our teaching has gone online […]

20 Mar 2020

Diversity: The secret sauce of high-performing teams

Top-performing teams often have people from diverse backgrounds, and it’s no coincidence. When we pick new team members, we should pay attention not only to the individual qualities of the candidates but also consider if they bring new ways of thinking to the table, writes Lauri Järvilehto, AVP’s Professor of Practice. The creator of Star Trek, […]

15 Oct 2019