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We’re not done yet — LGBTQ+ culture in Otaniemi

The fear of not being accepted: we think it's a fear everyone faces when going to new places. LGBTQ+ people, however, need to face it every day. In every interaction, they must decide: do I feel comfortable showing who I really am? At GAYY, we would like to add a queer touch to Otaniemi and let the minorities also enjoy the community that we have.

28 Jun 2022

Winners and warning signs

Koor is a Somali word referring to a bell attached to a camel — the number one livestock in the country. If a farmer is missing a camel, they can find it by the warning of the bell. Likewise, Solve the SDGs winner, team Koor, hopes their solution could give a warning to farmers in the Horn of Africa about incoming droughts.

Rising voices from the South

S.U.R. is a decolonizing collective based on the understanding of the Global South not just as geography but as a way of standing, experiencing, and dancing through the world. Amy Gelera, one of the founding members, shares the story of how entrepreneurship, underrepresentation, and pasta created a movement.