Aalto University’s representative team, coached by AVP and ENTU, proudly brought home an honorary award from Innova Europe 2024, held at Station F in Paris. The team's concept, Krishi Krate, focuses on providing affordable cold storage for smallholder farmers in South Asia and originated in Solve the SDGs 2024.
In front of you, there are so many roads to take and so many opportunities to catch, but you cannot have them all. How do you decide on what to choose? When you know your values, you understand what matters both presently and in the future, and can guide your actions accordingly.
Juho Uzkurt Kaljunen never wanted to be an entrepreneur. And yet, he is now an AVP alumni and the founder, CEO and CTO of NPHarvest, a spin-off from Aalto University that collects and recycles nutrients from wastewater. We chatted with Juho to learn more about his unexpected journey and where he thinks it’ll take him next.
We eat food, but we don’t taste it. We drink coffee while running. Anxiety and laxity of the brain lead to the monkey mind: the mind jumping from thought to thought without our control. We lose our focus and our peace. Meditation is the answer to calming the monkey mind, but it's not always easy to get stared. Lidia and Poudel, the teaching crew of Good Life Engine, provide insights and exercises to get you going.
This year, the sustainability hackathon Solve the SDGs brought together almost 500 participants in Finland and India. In Finland, our participants got to solve five wicked problems provided by our partners Aalto University, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), S Group, Sweco and Visit Finland. Let’s have a look at the winning projects for each challenge.
Welcome to the Aurora Seoul trip! Our students spent twelve days in Korea, filled to the brim with exploration, enlightenment, and experiences that went beyond borders. Embark with them on a journey where culture, innovation, and sustainability converge.